Bionic (2019-2021) Horizon 2020 Program
Project that aims to evaluate the real-time risk assessment, through personalized body sensors with built-in intelligence, and coaching for ageing workers.
Designation: BIONIC. Bionic Body Information ON an Intelligent Chip.
Project: Belonging to the European Horizon 2020+ Program, 2018 Call.
Project identification: 826304.
Duration: 36 months, since January 2019 until December 2021. Extended until March 2022!
Budget: 3.995.195 € (maximum grant amount).
Coordinator of the Project: German Research Centre For Artificial Intelligence -DFKI- (Germany).
Partners: Fundación Laboral de la Construcción (Spain), Technische Universität Kaiserslautern -TUK- (Germany), Biomechanic Institute of Valencia -IBV- (Spain), Roessingh Research and Development -RRD- ascribed to University of Twente (Nederland), University of Piraeus, Systems Security Lab -UPRC- (Greece), Interactive Wear GmbH -IAW- (Germany), Hypercliq IKE -HC- Greece), ACCIONA Construcción S.A. (Spain), Rolls-Royce Power Systems AG -RRPS- (Germany) y BAUA: Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (Germany).
“BIONIC. Body Information ON an Intelligent Chip” has the aim of evaluate real-time risk assessment and coaching for ageing workers, through digital tools that help these professionals to participate actively in working life for longer, in different ways.
This initiative is born out of the social and economic context faced by some European countries, in which the retirement age has been postponed or is being evaluated. This situation should have an impact on the existence of a more sustainable job, in terms of good working conditions, physical and mental well-being, and an improvement in the work-life balance.
In this sense, and in order to cover the new needs of the labor market, Bionic promotes the active and healthy aging of the work force through a new generation of digital wearables supporting. These alert in real-time risks and offer continuous persuasive coaching, enabling the design of workplace interventions adapted to the needs and fitness levels of specific ageing work force.
Technology at the service of occupational risk prevention and health
Bionic was conceived thought process among a group of partners that come from: the Medical and Bioengineering world, the Electronics, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Artificial Intelligence world (AI) and the End Users representing labour sectors where Musculo-skeletal Disorders (MSD) are dominant. In this sense, Fundación Laboral de la Construcción provides its knowlegde in Health and Safety field in the construction industry.
The project proposes to develop a holistic, autonomous and privacy preserving platform, which allows to monitored the health of the worker, risk assessment, injury prevention, active living and efficient coaching in the living and working environment, through the use of intelligent sensors placed in different areas of the worker's body.
How works?
The individual should only put a smalls Sensor Hub device into his pocket, and add a couple of wireless multimedia sensors attached to landing zones in his daily cloths, in the area of his body that he needs to monitor. With the possible addition bio sensor patches on his skin connected wirelessly to the Sensor Hub device, located in the pocket, which increasing the capacity of body supervision.
The information collected will be processed by the Sensor Hub (edge device) where the majority of functions will be executed. The user will be able to download the relevant App suggested by his doctor, and will lifelong monitor for prevention and physical training through serious games (gamified experience).
Project Resources
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