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Forlan (2020-2022) Easi Progress Programme

Innovative European training project that proposes new strategies for learning basic skills.


Name: Forlan, an innovative European training project that proposes new strategies for basic skills learning. It suggests new training contents and methods and puts focus on digital competences, essential for today's job promotion.

Project: It belongs to the European Commission's Employment and Social Innovation Programme (Easi), Progress axis.

Project Identification: VP/2019/005/0153.

Duration: 24 months, from September 2020 to August 2022.

Budget: 659.205,6 €.

Project Coordinator: Servicio Navarro de Empleo – Nafar Lansare (SNE-NL) (Spain).

Partners: Fundación Laboral de la Construcción - NavarraGobierno de Navarra department of Social Rights; Dirección General de Protección Social y Cooperación al Desarrollo (Directorate General of Social Protection and Development Cooperation); el Observatorio de la Realidad Social (Observatory of Social Reality); Departamento de Educación: Dirección General de Educación (Department of Education: Directorate General of Education), Servicio Público de Empleo Estatal -SEPE- (State Public Employment Service)and Asociación de Empresas de Economía Social (ANEL) (Spain).

Website: https://forlan.navarra.es/en/inicio


This initiative is intended to help the number of adults who do not have a command of basic skills through active employment policies. Spain, and all its autonomous communities, including Navarre, is one of the European Union (EU) countries with one of the highest rates of people with low skills. In 2019, 38.7% of the Spanish population aged between 25 and 64 had first stage secondary education or lower education (INE - Eurydice Spain). In Navarre, this was 29.2%.

The pilot will run until August 2022. It will be carried out in two areas and will address the individual needs of several people profiles

Scope of public employment and social services

  • Long-term unemployed people with low qualifications in minimum income programmes, with itineraries or actions for inclusion or active employment.

  • People in temporary or precarious employment, who move in and out of the labour market and often supplement their wages with the minimum income programme of Navarra.

Service, construction and industrial companies (ANEL and Fundación Laboral de Navarra)

  • In addition to workers with temporary and precarious jobs in these companies, the project aims to support digital transformation plans. Forlan is therefore also aimed at workers who, regardless of their level of qualification, need digital skills to contribute to their own professional development and to the competitiveness of the company.

The project will also propose improvements in the system of initial evaluation of students' competences, for a better diagnosis and the creation of homogeneous training groups. It will as well propose future reforms of adult training policies, both at national and regional level in the case of Navarre, in order to introduce a more effective training in basic competences. Another objective is to consolidate cooperation between the departments of employment, education and social rights.

Expected results

For the beneficiaries:

  • 200 adults with low level of qualification/skills receive training in basic skills.
  • 200 adults with low level of qualification/skills with more basic competences that will help them in:
    • their employability and professional development;
    • their ability to manage their daily responsibilities and difficulties;
    • their motivation to improve their level of education and to enrol in further basic or vocational training programmes;
    • their trust in public administrations, in particular public support from employment and education institutions;
    • their self-confidence and social reputation.

Policy relation:

  • Article on proposals for a plan to improve competences in Navarre.
  • Article on the transfer of learning to national and other regions' policies.
  • Proposals on ways to introduce the recognition of basic competences in the reform of Royal Decree 1224/2009, on the recognition of professional competences acquired through professional experience.


  • Updated basic skills assessment system, including literacy, numeracy and digital skills.
  • Package of basic skills learning strategies.
  • Evaluation report of the pilot experimentation on new basic skills learning strategies. It will include a section on:
    • assessment of basic skills;
    • validation/recognition of basic competences.



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